Creativity encouraged at Isle of Arts Festival: Join the Random Creatures

Knitted tree scarf:

Here at OnTheWight we love celebrating creativity and Ventnor is going to be buzzing with it this weekend, as the Isle of Arts Festival returns to our lovely town for a third year running.

But it’s not just the festival organisers who have a treat in store for visitors to the town.

Invitation from the Random Creatures
The Random Creatures have been busy doing what they do best, getting creative. As well as some things not looking as they usually do, such as that tree in the picture above, as you wander around the town you’ll notice tags on lamp-posts or other bits of street furniture.

These are signposts (boom boom) from The Random Creatures inviting you to get creative.

Get creative
They say that they’d like you to showcase your creative talents by brightening up an unloved and overlooked pole or post. So, pick one and get creating in any way you so wish.

Don’t forget to to add your contact details on the tag provided and post a pic or two of your designs on the Random Creatures Facebook page.

Of course, your designs must not be permanent or damage the property at all. Have fun!

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