Issa Batrane at Bridlington sea front

Crowdfunder to help improve mental and physical health of pupils after Lockdown

Sports For Champions UK (CIC) in partnership with The Bay CofE Primary School and the local community are running a fundraiser to help support the mental and physical health of the pupils after the national Covid19 Lockdowns.

British beach volleyball champion, Issa Batrane, is due to visit the school later this month as they host an an inspirational workshop.

During the assembly, Issa will show his medals and tell his story, and insights are shared to capture the imagination of all and inspire healthier active lifestyles.

Resilience, nutrition, diet, and dedication
He’ll be discussing challenges on the road to success, with resilience, nutrition, diet, and dedication forming key topics.

Fitness is essential for every young person’s general wellbeing in physical and mental health. It is also proven to be a strong booster of learning potential or brain power.

SFC say that by inspiring children as champions of tomorrow, they envision youth growing in all walks of life as healthy, [pro] active community-minded talents.

Show your support
To show your support head over to the Crowdfunder page and make a help the school reach its target.

Image: © Issa Batrane at Bridlington