kidical mass Cycle Wight event with lots of children cycling in Newport

CycleWight’s Kidical Mass Ride returns to Ryde for family cycling fun: Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival 2024 (Free)

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As part of the first Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival, CycleWight is running its second Kidical Mass Ride through the middle of Ryde. 

The first ride took place in March this year and was a great success.  CycleWight campaigns to improve the safety for cycling for all on the Island, to encourage a shift from private motor vehicle use to wheeling and walking for short journeys, to help build a liveable Island, tackle climate change and safeguard future generations.

Kidical Mass has a vision. That vision is for children and young people to be able to safely and independently travel by bicycle wherever they live. Their motto is “Space for the next generation”.

A child-friendly town is a town that’s good for people of all ages. Kidical Mass gives young people a voice and a presence in the public realm. Our streets belong to them too!

Kidical Mass Rides are designed to be inclusive for all ages and abilities, for disabled and able-bodied alike. The rides are fun, safe environments for families and friends to cycle together. The rides give visibility to a better, healthier and lower carbon future for young and old alike.  After all Kids Are Traffic Too. Transitioning away from private cars to walking and wheeling will contribute to improvements in everyone’s health and environment.

The ride will be led with a team of marshals, showing the way and calming motor vehicles en route. If any riders are worried about checking their bike for safety, Wight Cycle Hire will be able to help show you how before you start. If you’d like to join CycleWight it is only £5 per year, visit our website for further details.

Where and when
Saturday 29th June 2024, meet 10.30am for a 11am start at Dover Park School, Dover Street, Ryde PO33 2BN.

Everyone is welcome, all ages and abilities.  Under 16s to be accompanied by a responsible adult

Come brightly dressed and making some noise!  For best photo opportunity, pimp your bike too.