Daft Old Duffer: A New Era In British Politics, My Article

So far I’ve kept clear of all the political to-ing and fro-ing on the Blog, preferring to hear what everyone else has to say on the subject.

Daft Old Duffer: A New Era In British Politics, My ArticleBut all the waffle about the so-called ‘New Era in British Politics’ has given my cynicism a stir.

In my lifetime I can recall at least three of these ‘new eras’.

The third era
The last was led by Paddy Ashdown who was going to cut a shining path through the murky undergrowth of Labour/Tory machinations and brandish the shining sword of fairplay in the face of evil whatever happened along.

The second era
Before him David Steele commanded the faithful, in ringing tones, to ‘go back to your constituencies and prepare for government!’

The first era
And before him Jeremy Thorpe. (I don’t remember what he was going to do but I’m sure it was equally inspiring).

In each and every case the gleaming temple of ‘new era politics’ has collapsed on polling day.

It’s true our Cleggy has got a lot further. But, as always before, even before the election the golden empire of justice could be seen to be crumbling to dust.

It’s your fault
It seems to me so obvious a prediction it hardly needs saying, that the new government will stumble along for – perhaps – two years, not doing much except irritate a lot of people. And with the Tories blaming their Liberal partners for every failed promise.

There will then be another general election at which time we’ll blame the Libs for everything going wrong, just like the obedient little voters we are, and the following government, whether Tory or Labour, will form up in the same old way.

The Libs will retire to their little corner in the top left hand bit of the Commons, muttering about something or other totally uninteresting to everyone else and no more will be heard about ‘new eras’.

Until the next Liberal angel of light emerges.

Image: The Rhumb Line under CC BY 2.0