Daft Old Duffer: How About An All-Weather Festival Site?

Thanks to Daft Old Duffer for his latest contribution. In his own words, Ed

Muddy WellieMy congratulations to Stephanie Mullins and her piece on Councillor’s behaviour last week.

I have just completed a letter to the Editor about the PFI scheme but I’ve delayed sending it in because I’m afraid of the comparison.

I’ve been thinking …
So I thought I’d follow up on her coat tails instead. Reflected glory and all that.

It seems quite obvious ‘Dave the Putz’ won’t be using the surplus funds to do the sensible thing and re-open our public loos and/or tourist centres, as Stephanie suggests. Because that would be to admit he and his sycophantic friends had got it wrong by closing them in the first place.

Hence the clutching-at-straws idea for beach huts. (I wonder who would be getting first crack at those, by the by).

Permanent all-weather festival site
Here’s an alternative notion, young Putz. Use the money to establish a permanent, all-weather site for festivals – of all descriptions. Complete with adequate toilet, camping and parking facilities and a permanent stage.

Plus – and I hope this is not all too much for you – an upgrading of the approach roads to be included in your beloved PFI plan.

Good investment
I realise such a project will cost more than the surplus you have in hand, but it will serve nicely as a seed fund. After which any necessary upgrading of the site can take place over several years.

Funded in part by a small levy on those booking the site and part by a few coppers added to the entrance tickets.

As an incentive I would be willing to swear any required oath that the idea is yours and yours alone. So you’ll have a choice. If it works out you can take full credit, and if it doesn’t you can claim you were against it from the start.

Just like the real, grown-up politician you so long to be.

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