Dawn Chorus II Recording: Super High Quality

Dawn Chorus II Recording: Super High QualityWe were pleasantly surprised by the reaction to the bird song recording that we put out a couple of weeks ago.

Not only did people seem to like it, but we were stunned by how many different types of birds were identified by Lois and Ian Boyd.

We were a little disappointed/embarrassed at the wind noise on the recording, making it less than it could have been.

We did another recording at about 5am one day last week, but changed a couple of things.

First thing was we put a muffle on the mic to try and reduce the wind buffeting that was so noticeable at the start of the last recording.

Super high quality
We also recorded it at 96KHz, which might not mean a lot people but to give it a comparison, CD samples at 44.1KHz – so the original recording is over twice the quality of a CD recording. It was also recorded at 24-bit using 4608kbps storage.

This all adds up to its hugely high quality.

The downside of such quality is that the files that are created are massive – this one is about 30 minutes and is nearly 1Gb in size.

We’ve downscaled it and turned it into an MP3 for playback online, so you can enjoy it, or if you have the urge for the highest quality recording, you can download it, by right clicking and choosing to save the file. Don’t forget that it’s massive.

Again, we’re using Dropbox (you can sign up for a free account too), but as the file is so large we’ll only leave it available for the next week, or so. Grab it while you can.

Alternatively, just listen to it here …

image: law_keven