Dean Friedman Ends Tour at Quay Arts

Dean Friedman Plays QuayIf you missed our earlier posting about Dean Friedman’s visit to the Island next week, read on.

Choosing to end is UK tour at Quay Arts, Dean will be performing songs old and new from his extensive catalogue next Tuesday 28 Oct from 8pm.

Dean is the chart-topping writer of such classics as “Woman of Mine”, “Lydia”, “Lucky Stars” and “Ariel” whilst another, ‘McDonald’s Girl’ was officially banned by the BBC for mentioning the name of the well known fast food chain in its chorus!

If you’re too young to remember that one, we can bring it to you courtesy of You Tube.

“Every song in this show is a classic in its own right – intimate, epic, satirical or just plain loving, there’s a song for everyone. You won’t see a better show.” London Theatre Guide

Discover what devoted fans have known for years – the sophisticated, funny, profound work of a master songsmith.

Bits and Bobs:
Performance Date/Time: Tue 28 Oct 8pm Doors 7pm
Location: Anthony Minghella Theatre, Quay Arts
Ticket Price: £16 / £15
Box Office 01983 822490

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mary teague
19, November 2008 11:52 am

This is supposedly a “free” country. Didn’t we all stand around the cenotaph a few days ago and thank the ranks of the dead for their ultimate sacrifice to give us that freedom? BNP, like it or not, is a legitimate party with a growing membership. Let’s have total openness of people’s affiliations, I say. Let’s print the full names and address’s of all IOW masons, let’s… Read more »

19, November 2008 12:25 pm


Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 12:43 pm

Jay, if you are going to post on here, do try to make sense or it is a waste of time. Mary is quite right in what she says, our freedom in this country is being eroded rapidly. Many people are concerned for their future, for their children’s and grandchildren’s futures and, if they feel that the only way to protect those futures is to join a… Read more »

Earl Grey
19, November 2008 1:31 pm

Mary and Piglet, yes we do live in a democracy and our parents and grand parents fought a war to keep us free of fascists like the BNP. They are not an ordinary political party and have and no doubt will again use violence and intimidation to further their fascist views. On the question of the Masons, I am led to believe that the Grand Lodge (HQ)… Read more »

19, November 2008 2:23 pm

Of course people should be free to vote and be members of whichever group nthey chose? Does that extend to paedophiles who have a political wing campaigning for the age of consent being dropped. Join the BNP…but do not expect to teach our children or police our streets. Their leader is a convicted rascist and many of their mebers are open rascist and criminals. Don’t forget the… Read more »

19, November 2008 2:29 pm

I think what Jay means is that recently posters and leaflets have been found on the Island warning of a Muslim takeover. This follows the revelation that the BNP have recently set up an office here (pick a location from the above map) which means they obvioulsy intend to field candidates.

On BNP member is already a councillor…standing under the auspices of Independent Greens

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 2:39 pm

Simon, if you read what people are saying you will see that what they are afraid of is: a) Job loss b) Intimidation c) Physical attack Apparently these things do all happen, so I suppose you can see why people would not want their personal details made available to all and sundry, particularly the loonies. I don’t know if this is a new area or not. What… Read more »

19, November 2008 2:45 pm

Mary, Piglet and Earl Grey, Whilst I agree that we al have a right to freedom of speech to lump the Masons in with the BNP is somewhat harsh and not really comparable. The Masons are an organisation whose primary role is giving. They are, in fact, the second biggest worldwide contributor to charities worldwide. I’m happy to say I am involved with them. BNP are essentially… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 2:46 pm

Earl Grey; just took this off the Grand Lodge site: Freemasonry: An Approach to Life Is Freemasonry a secret society? “Freemasonry is not a secret society, but lodge meetings, like meetings of many other social and professional associations, are private occasions open only to members. Freemasons are encouraged to speak openly about their membership, while remembering that they undertake not to use it for their own or… Read more »

19, November 2008 2:52 pm

There is a list available to the authorities if one is required

Earl Grey
19, November 2008 3:56 pm

Thanks Piglet, obviously my information was out of date on the Mason’s membership list. However certain peoples obsession with Masons does cloud much of the good they do around the world. Lets be clear that BNP members are not nice people they hold views that the rest of us find at best objectionable and at worse down right evil. See Kj’s posting for the full list of… Read more »

mary teague
19, November 2008 3:58 pm

I’ll bullet point my replies for the sake of brevity: Jay, Jay, Jay I do fear the rise of Islam in its militant form. Remind me of the last time we had a fundamentalist Christian bomber or of a Muslim country where Christianity is allowed to be freely practiced (and its not only Muslim countries that stop the free worship of Christianity) Earl Grey BNP-fascist? Anne Bishop… Read more »

19, November 2008 4:10 pm

Last time we had a Christian fundamentalist bomber? Well how about last Friday’s paper:

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 4:17 pm

Isn’t it true that many Freemasons are in positions of high authority? The movement is full of policemen, judges, councillors etc, etc, people who are in a position to ‘scratch backs’ for other Freemasons. While Freemasons”… are encouraged to speak openly about their membership”, how many actually do? Why would they not want to if they are a charitable organisation and nothing more than that to their… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 4:22 pm

Drone, you are not, in all seriousness, comparing this to 9/11 or London 2005, or Madrid, or Bali? How many more examples do you want?

19, November 2008 4:25 pm

People who join the BNP do so for a number of reason 1. A genuine love of their country which they see (wrongly 0r rightly) as going to the dogs. They know nothing of the BNP other than the name and what they hear from the recruitment squad. 2. Similar to the above, but people who are led to beleive that it is a ‘red’ plot to… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 4:38 pm

Actually Earl Grey, I’m just a friend of Piglet, not Piglet himself.

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 4:54 pm

kj, please enlighten me: 2) Please explain what you mean by a ‘red’ plot to denounce true patriots. 3) Please give examples (authenticated). 4) So, according to you, all muslims are mentally defective, as they believe that homosexuals should be put to death and, I think it’s called “kuffars” ie non muslims, are less than human and should be treated as such. If accusations of racism, violence… Read more »

19, November 2008 5:01 pm

BNP propaganda believes that all who oppose it are communists (reds) I will give you a few of over 300 examples: Former National Organiser Richard Edmonds was convicted for his part in a vicious bottle attack on a mixed race couple in a pub in East London 1993 BNP supporter Stuart Kerr was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for firebombing an Asian shop in Chichester, Sussex BNP… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 5:20 pm

kj, thank you for your comprehensive list. How many of the people you have listed are still involved with the BNP? They may have been thrown out because of their actions? All BNP members and supporters are tarred with the same brush, however good and decent citizens they may be? There seems to be a bit of a paradox with Muslims and homosexuals. You say that you… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 5:29 pm

kj, I can’t comment on what the BNP believe about Reds under the bed because they have suspended their website and put a temporary one on due to the high volume of traffic at present(apparently the volume is so high that the site could crash). I was, however, able to look at their manifesto and it all seems eminently sensible to me (no mention of communists at… Read more »

mary teague
19, November 2008 5:31 pm

Thank you kj for posting a large list of BNP criminal activities. This is very useful and informative. I shall await your posting that covers the Lib/Lab/Con convictions, child abuse cases and fraud as listed on the BNP site as of course, as a rounded and informed individual, you will want to give all evidence known. I too think the BNP are unelectable. I think that Britain… Read more »

19, November 2008 5:38 pm

I beleive that a great many are still members…where the list says ex-member or former member is a good recomendation. Collett has actually been promted Some are good and decent citizens as outlined in No.1 above..just misled There is no paradox for me…I find no difference in any religion or organisation or person who thinks gays are less than human… If you want a good about… Read more »

19, November 2008 5:43 pm

These are a few of the words of the convicted racist of the BNP “Without the White race, nothing matters. [Other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create ‘Black Britons’, while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land.” ” When the… Read more »

19, November 2008 5:46 pm

No Christian Fundamentalist bombers? What about the Bush administration then?

19, November 2008 5:55 pm


19, November 2008 6:08 pm

You could always judge the BNP by the opinion of other racist. Stormfront is a website for extreme right wing people and groups and supports ‘Redwatch’ an ilegal(in the UK) site that for years has posted pictures and addresses of ‘commies’ that oppose them. There are many ex-and current BNP members on there who detest Griffin and his dumbed down rascism…I’ll not post the links..they are obvious.… Read more »

19, November 2008 6:13 pm

MT….they are among many things that make Britain Great…its called tollerence….

mary teague
19, November 2008 6:45 pm

Hello I’m back just took my eye off the ball for a mo to have me tea. A world feast indeed. Potatoes form Israel, sweet corn from South Africa, salad from Europe and a quiche from the local co op. Mind you half way thought the meal, the South African sweet corn did ask to be moved to a section of the plate away from all other… Read more »

mary teague
19, November 2008 6:47 pm

BNP not BMP sorry ;-)

19, November 2008 6:59 pm

The quotes are Nick Griffins very own words… Comparing Margeret Thatcher with BNP….ummmm!! I completely understand what you are saying and the BNP can become a powerful and true indicator of peoples will when they get rid of the criminals and racists…..unfortunately there will be no party left, but hey better to start from grass roots than build on contaminated ground. I’m happy to tollerate anybody, even… Read more »

19, November 2008 7:31 pm

Let’s see how many people still regard the BNP as dangerous in 20 years time when as some Muslims predict we will be under Islamic law. Will it be an offence punishable by stoning to speak English? Will Prince Charles or William convert to Islam? Will the Royal British Legion be outlawed? Many of those moaning in the media today about the BNP will be dead by… Read more »

19, November 2008 7:42 pm

Didn’t Tony Blair claim to have consulted God before we joined the invasion of Iraq? I’m deeply suspicious of any form of fundamentalism and intolerance. We are indeed fortunate to have some level of freedom of expression and that may include membership of a party that others abhor. After all, freedom requires give and take. However, it also requires respect for others and I am not sure… Read more »

19, November 2008 8:29 pm

Okay people. Can we now move on, please? Let’s not give this silly party and its 21 pathetic IOW members any more of our time.

19, November 2008 8:35 pm

I completely agree…its now yesterdays news

How about those flys in Ventnor!!!!

19, November 2008 9:15 pm

@ kj. Not wanting to appear pedantic, but should “flys” not read “flies”?

19, November 2008 9:30 pm

It probably should, but my degrees are in History and Archaeology, not English :-)

both ‘look’ right though and you know what I mean!!

19, November 2008 9:57 pm

It may be yesterday’s news but I have only just sat down- but I will be brief KJ all very well made points Mary, Do you belong to the BNP? or just thinking of joining-maybe in their PR department they rely on people like you giving them the benefit of the doubt. I have had first hand experience of an IOW BNP members views and am deeply… Read more »

Earl Grey
19, November 2008 10:12 pm

Blimey, amazing what a response to this story! Mary Teague, I am surprised by your short memory, a fine example of Christian fundamentalist bombers were the IRA (Catholic) and UVF(Protestant). We should not forget the IRA conducted a murderous campaign- Guidford/ Birmingham pub bombings, Omargh, Brighton and Manchester, over many years killing far more people in this country than Al Quada have to date. On the question… Read more »

Mary Teague
19, November 2008 10:17 pm

Hello sk In a free thinking society we would not be lambasting Mary Teague or making sarcastic comments regarding the BNP PR department we would be addressing the real issue of why people feel drawn to this party and it radical views. Many in our broken Britain feel they are ignored and side lined and they are no longer represented in main stream politics. This is very… Read more »

Mary Teague
19, November 2008 10:29 pm

Oh I hate the taste of Earl grey tea however; I’m old enough to remember the IRA at its worst. The whole nightmare situation was created by a section of society (Catholics in general) feeling it was being side lined and discriminated against. I say that the interest in the BNP is being bought about by similar feelings and yelling how awful they are (and they may… Read more »

19, November 2008 10:40 pm

Mary as you said its a free country so I choose to use my initials. Lambasting does not appear to be the correct word regarding my posting, I wasn’t being sarcastic I was asking you a question, which you haven’t really answered. Interesting that you did not comment on my first hand experience of IOW BNP views. Also phrases like broken britain are part of Daily Mail… Read more »

19, November 2008 10:42 pm

Mary v interesting you feel it is appropriate for you to be offensive towards others (earl grey)

Mary Teague
19, November 2008 11:04 pm

Hello sk who ever you are I’m sorry if you feel I didn’t answer your question. I thought the statement that I’m not a member of the BNP answered the question “Are you a member of the BNP?” Just to clarify I’m not a member of the BNP. Hope that helps :-) Please don’t wait for an invitation from me the share your first hand experiences of… Read more »

19, November 2008 11:19 pm

I don’t hide behind a non de plume and I have posted the true word and convictions against members of the BNP…all freely available ( and not denied by the BNP as it would be pointless) I could go on for day posting the list of elected BNP councillors who have been ejected from offices through mis-practise, abuse, viloence or just plain never turning up. I can… Read more »

Friend of Piglet
19, November 2008 11:21 pm

A very interesting discussion going on; the voice of reason belongs to Mary Teague. All she is saying is take a step back and think. You should perhaps consider the opinions and hate that are emanating from many posters on this subject. Is the BNP really full of racist bigots or just ordinay people who despair when they read about, for example, our elderly having to choose… Read more »

19, November 2008 11:31 pm

Hi Mary, I’m a 15 year old from the island. I recocnise you may have a lot more experience than me but it seems you have double standards on what people can say and what you yourself are allowed to say, by the way i like all your word play its really intelligent and funny- gets your point across erm.. well. I don’t think sk was implying… Read more »

19, November 2008 11:32 pm

FOP perhaps you should be FOMT clearly Mary can speak for herself and has responded.

I was not rude to Mary Teague and merely asked a question and expressed a different view,and I have no need to apologise.

Mary Teague
19, November 2008 11:32 pm

Hello friend of Pugh….sorry Piglet. Don’t worry about sk being rude. It’s clear from the postings that they consider their opinion absolutely correct and there is no possibility validating other views or indeed other facts. I don’t like that but can live with it. I’m willing to accept the posting on BNP convictions are true, I’m willing to accept the BNP may well be everything so far… Read more »