Discretionary Travel From Floating Bridge To Cowes College To Be Scrapped

Readers may have seen a couple of releases that came out of the council’s press office yesterday in relation to the upcoming Cabinet meeting.

Sensible shoesOne release focused on proposed changes to school transport, which comes following a consultation and review of the entire home to education transport policy.

The paper details a number of changes to the free school-transport policy, including one that may not please pupils of Cowes Enterprise College that live in East Cowes.

Cut to discretionary travel from floating bridge
The new policy proposes that the current discretionary provision of transport from the floating bridge to Cowes Enterprise College will also cease for all pupils from September 2012.

According to the report, a risk assessment was carried out on the walking route from the floating bridge to Cowes Enterprise College by the Council’s Road Safety officer and deemed to be safe for pupils to walk along.

We wonder how the need for sensible shoes will go down with the fashion conscious youth?

Image: Nic Mc Phee under CC BY 2.0