Don’t Try This At Home

They get up to some funny things at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, but it seems that one particular performer got more laughs than he bargained for this year.

Don't Try This At HomeCaptain Dan the Demon Dwarf, was due to perform at the Circus of Horrors. The main part of his act was for him to attach his member to a vacuum cleaner.

However, the attachment for the vacuum cleaner broke just before the show and the little chap decided to fix it with superglue. Unfortunately, he misread how long it would take to dry. He thought it said 20 seconds rather than 20 minutes.

I guess you can probably see where this is going. Yes, his attachment got stuck to the vacuum attachment.

“It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E with a vacuum attached to me,” Blackner said.

“I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short-lived.”