Rowena Amos and crew at Brighton Rocks Film festival with OTW flash

Double win for Isle of Wight’s 9 of Cups Productions at Brighton International Film Festival

There was jubilation aplenty yesterday as Rowena Amos and her team at 9 of Cups Productions celebrated a double win at the prestigious Brighton Rocks International Film Festival.

The festival, lauded for its exceptional selection and promotion of indie films, saw fierce competition from talented filmmakers globally.

Team effort and festival gratitude
Amos extended her heartfelt thanks to the festival’s organisers, James, Sarah, and their team, for their meticulous work in making the event run smoothly.

Recognising the considerable effort that goes into such a grand event, Amos highlighted the superior quality of films that were in contention.

The Day of the Sun Dog claims Best Drama
Her film, “The Day of the Sun Dog”, was honoured with the ‘Best Drama’ award.

The film features the acting prowess of Kerrie Farrell (Kerrie Taylor), Paul McGann, and the adorable ‘Alvin’ the dog. The film was directed by Andy Mcleod, with Amos serving as the writer and producer.

Director Andy Mcleod with Alvin the dog

Behind the scenes
Others in the limelight for their significant contributions included musicians JC Grimshaw and Angelina Grimshawfor their soul-stirring score, Richard Topping for his editing finesse, Kevin Early for his stunning cinematography and Michael Gong for his exceptional dog training skills.

Production Assistant Hanna Nixon and wardrobe guru Angelina Grimshaw were also singled out for their dedication and meticulous work behind the scenes.

Weightless bags two awards
The second film, “Weightless”, bagged two awards at the festival – ‘Best Cinematography’ and ‘Best Director’.

The film was directed by Lois Norman, written by Louise Monaghan, and produced by Amos.

Starring Toyah Willcox, the film stands out for its powerful score by Robert Fripp and meticulous editing by Richard Topping.

Recognition for key contributors
Amos expressed her profound thanks to each member of their dedicated crew at 9 of Cups Productions, attributing the wins to the collective effort of the team.

She was effusive in her praise for sound expert Adam, Adam Preddy for his on-set assistance, and James Goode for his extraordinary bodhran playing on “Weightless”.

Celebrating the win

Additional thanks went out to Dave at Filmwight and Stephen Izatt for their ongoing support, make-up artists Lynsey-Marie Lamothe and Phoebe Measures for their skilled touch, Gianpaolo Giancovich for his beautiful stills, and Lindsay at Words&Stuff for creative poster designs.

In a heartwarming conclusion, Amos emphasised that these victories were a shared achievement, illustrating the success of their team collaboration and underscoring the exceptional talent pool at 9 of Cups Productions.

Image: © Rowena Amos