Drink And Drug-Driving Arrests Fall

This in from the Police – Ed

Drink And Drug-Driving Arrests FallThe number of drivers arrested on suspicion of drink or drug-driving across the two counties has fallen by 39 per cent, compared to the same period last year.

Following the launch of the force’s winter drink and drug-driving campaign on Wednesday, 1st December, it seems that motorists have taken on board the message that mixing drink, drugs and driving is a lethal combination.

Officers from Roads Policing Units from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have been stopping motorists as part of the campaign and breathalysing them or carrying out Field Impairment Tests (FIT) to detect impairment through drugs.

30 arrested
A total of 30 people were arrested for drink or drug-driving related offences from 00:00 on 1st December, and 06:00 on 6th December.

This figure is a significant reduction from last year where 49 people were arrested in the same period.

People have also been making use of the 80999 text message service, which can be used to report anyone suspected of driving under the influence.

17 SMS reports from public
So far, 17 messages of information have been received.

Despite these encouraging statistics, roads users continue to be urged to “think before having that drink” and “not to be a mug and drive after taking drugs”.

Inspector Jon Snook said: “We are pleased with the results so far as it demonstrates that drivers are taking notice of our message and not driving under the influence.

Patrols continue
“However, officers will continue to patrol the roads and anyone caught drink or drug-driving will face tough penalties.

“I would like to remind people that driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs puts you and other road users in danger.

“Alcohol, for example, makes it difficult to judge distances, while cannabis can slow your reaction times and cocaine makes you more likely to take risks.

“Combine any of these with driving and the results can be lethal.

“Best advice is not to drink at all”
“The best advice is not to drink at all if you’re driving, or book a taxi beforehand.”

The campaign runs from Wednesday, 1st December, 2010 until Monday, 3rd January 3, 2011.

Image: cdsessums under CC BY-SA 2.0