Drive To Survive: Don’t Forget

Drive To SurviveDon’t forget that tomorrow sees the starts of the Drive to Survive campaign.

The idea behind the scheme is to show how congested roads will become should any of the three schools reforms options go ahead.

On Wednesday, organisers are asking parents to follow this routine:

1. Drop your kiddie winkles off at school as you would normally.
2. Get in your car and drive to the school that you would have to, if Option 1 were to come into place.
3. Park your car near that school and walk to that school’s gates, as you would if your child were going to that school.

4. Get back in your car and drive home, spending the rest of the day feeling good about yourself for taking part in this mass experiment.

The next day (Thursday), repeat the same process, but the school that you drive to is the one you would have to go to if Option 2 came into force. The last day – Friday – repeat the same, but with the Option 3 school.

If you want to download a poster to place in your car window you can do so courtesy of Save Our Schools.

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