Julie Hutchinson and Charity Garnett
Julie Hutchinson and Charity Garnett

East Wight voters empowered to elect ‘People’s Champion’ through innovative primary system

A grassroots group plan to help elect a progressive MP for the new East Wight constituency at the next general election, by taking the uncertainty out of tactical voting. Upcoming boundary changes mean that the Isle of Wight will no longer be the least represented constituency in the UK.

However, our first-past-the-post system means most people are unrepresented in a multi-party system, meaning voters need to come together to do something different.

Finding the People’s Champion
East Wight Primary will stage a series of Q&A sessions in town halls across the constituency, where the public can ask questions to the three progressive candidates and vote for whichever they think is best placed to win the seat.

At the end of the process, votes will be totted up and a winner announced, who will be declared the ‘People’s Champion’. Progressive voters will be encouraged to put aside their differences, get behind the People’s Champion and support their campaign.

A people-powered initiative
The East Wight Primary is a people-powered initiative which aims to breathe life back into democracy, giving voters the opportunity to make their voice heard and achieve real political change in the new constituency of East Wight.

They will also be supporting people across the Island with voter registration and ensuring they have the correct identification to make their vote count.

Public Q&As will take place in March 2024
The candidates from the Liberal Democrat, Green and Labour parties are invited to participate in the process.

The public Q&As will take place in early March, and throughout the winter they will be engaging with voters and potential voters across the Isle of Wight.

Garnett: First-past-the-post system doesn’t work in a multi-party system
Co-founder of East Wight Primary, Charity Garnett (pictured right), says,

“There is a progressive majority here, progressive policies are consistently shown to be popular in polls, but many choose not to vote as they know it won’t count.

“The Conservative dominate here because our first-past-the-post system doesn’t work in a multi-party system. We know by working together we can help create some urgently needed change.

“We will either win as one or all lose if the progressive vote is divided again.”

Garnett: We end up with careerist Conservative MPs
Charity emphasises that Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens have far more in common than divides them, but because the opposition vote is split,

“We end up with careerist Conservative MPs who often prioritise big business over the concerns of their electorate.”

Many ways to get involved
East Wight Primary is building a network of community organisers and has lots of different ways for people to get involved. In addition, they will be running regular volunteer training sessions for people who wish to help spread the word in their local communities.

Many of those signing up are new to political campaigning, with a sizeable number motivated by the need for far more serious action on the cost of living, NHS and the climate and nature crises.

Taking the ‘democracy-meter’ on tour
Inspired by the work of South Devon Primary and other local democracy campaigners, they will be taking the ‘democracy-meter’ around the East Wight constituency in the coming weeks.

By taking to the streets, surveying the public and building support among those who have felt left behind they plan to reinvigorate the progressive majority.

Hutchison: Residents will choose best Progressive to face Conservative candidate
Co-founder Julie Hutchison (pictured left) says,

“Many people are horrified by the chaos of our current Conservative Government, and yet feel powerless to do anything about it.

“Disengagement from the political process leads to worsening outcomes for all of us, and our voting system makes many people feel, rightly, that they don’t have a voice.

“Not knowing who is behind tactical voting websites has put people off. Residents will, together, choose the best Progressive to face the Conservative candidate.

“Our People’s Champion will be published on Tactical voting websites. We are pulling democracy back to grass roots, decided by Islanders for Islanders. Change is needed, and this process is the first step to enabling that change to happen.”

People who are interested to get involved including details of upcoming volunteer training sessions, can sign up via the East Wight Primary website and on social media.

‘Democracy meter’
The ‘democracy meter’ will be brought to Pier Street, Ventnor 10am–1pm, on Saturday 18th November 2023.

Support the project
A crowdfunder to support the project is live at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/help-east-wight-primary-become-a-massive-success

News shared by Julie on behalf East Wight Primaries. Ed

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