Eating Out On Christmas Day

If you’ve had enough of spending hours in the kitchen on Christmas Day, slaving over a hot oven and hob, for it all to be devoured by your family in 15 minutes flat with no thanks, then maybe this year you might want to consider letting someone else do the work instead.

turkey dinnerWe’re planning to put together a list of some of the restaurants, hotels and pubs in the area who will be putting on lunches on Christmas Day.

From an initial search it looks like the prices and what’s on offer can vary quite drastically, but then, often you get what you pay for.

It’ll be a lot of work contacting the hotels, pubs etc, so if you work at or own one that is offering Christmas Day service, please can you get in touch or spread the word and we’ll credit you in the blog for your help.

We’re looking for menu info, prices, wine list, booking availability and anything extra that might inform people’s choice.

Also, we thought it’d be great to post up reviews afterwards if any of you do decide to eat out on Christmas Day. Get in touch for more details.

Image couresty of Gorzow