The Detective Inspector from SEROCU’s Regional Cyber Crime Unit said, "Anyone who is selling drugs on the Dark Web should realise that we will find them and we will look to prosecute them"
The Police and Crime Commissioner says, "when incidents on social media receive not one but two visits from police officers, but burglaries and non-domestic break-ins don’t always get a police response, something is wrong"
Cllr Matt Price says, "We have tried our best to keep the public toilets open for as many hours as possible and at a great cost to local residents, it is so sad that a small minority think it is acceptable to vandalise the toilets"
Donna Jones says “Letting the cameras into the courtroom to film the sentencings of some of the country’s most serious offenders will allow the public to see justice first hand, as it happens"
PCC Donna Jones said she's pleased to see officers being recognised with a pay rise, but the Chair of Hampshire Police Federation said officers are struggling to put food on the table and fuel in their cars
Police say they have been working together with partners on the Isle of Wight to better understand issues surrounding male violence against women and girls