Colin Boswell and Michael Lilley

Ending the sewage scandal, protecting farmland and taking climate emergency action all key for LibDem hopeful

This from Michael Lilley, LibDem prospective parliamentary candidate for Isle of Wight East. Ed

In 2023, the Isle of Wight topped the wrong kinds of charts when Friends of the Earth announced Cowes beach had the most sewage spills of all beaches in England.

Since October, we have experienced record levels of rainfall, severe flooding across the Island and the biggest landslide in 20 years.

Meanwhile, the residents of Ryde are awaiting their day in court as they fight to save green fields in Westridge where a planned housing development has pushed out tenant farmers. Now, more than ever, we must demand that the seriousness of the nature crisis is recognised.

Restore Nature Now
Over the weekend the Restore Nature Now march in London saw tens of thousands of people taking to the streets joining more than 350 charities, businesses and direct action groups.

For me, the march highlighted the same issues that are playing out here on the Island, showing us the urgency of protecting our natural environment.

Spearheaded Climate Emergency declaration
This is something I have spent many years of my life working on. In 2019, despite pushback from other Councillors at the time, I successfully pushed through a motion to get the Isle of Wight Council to declare a Climate Emergency and create a fully-costed action plan for becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

Fighting unsuitable development on green spaces
I have worked hard to support my community every step of the way while we fight to resist unsuitable development on valuable green space. It was heartbreaking to see tenant farmers forced from their livelihood after 55 years.

Farmers manage 70% of UK land and have a huge role to play in supporting environmental recovery, they must be supported.

Finally, this July the Save Westridge Farm campaign, Greenfields Ltd, will get their day in court with the support of 500 residents

Double nature pledge
As a member of the Green Liberal Democrats, I am proud of the pledge to “double nature” by doubling the size of the Protected Area Network, doubling the abundance of species and doubling woodland cover by 2050.

I want to see a Clean Air Act based on World Health Organisation guidelines enforced by a new Air Quality Agency, this could protect communities like Wootton Bridge who are deeply concerned about the health risks posed by the proposed gravel extraction quarry.

An end to the sewage scandal
We must end the sewage scandal by transforming water companies into public benefit companies, ban bonuses for water bosses until the discharges and leaks end and replace Ofwat with a tough new regulator.

While Isle of Wight swimmers were bathing in sewage, the Conservatives have consistently failed to address the problem.

While people’s homes have flooded as a result of poor drainage systems, Conservative ministers have argued that requirements on developers to install sustainable drainage systems in new developments will be too costly for them.

I would continue to fight for my community
If elected as the MP for Isle of Wight East, I would continue to fight for my community and the environment like I have done for many years.

We deserve a future where the Isle of Wight’s waters can be enjoyed by everyone without fear of becoming sick, where residents are protected from flooding and landslides and nature can flourish.

Promoted by Mark Gaskin, 36 Circular Rd, Ryde, PO33 1AL on behalf of Michael Lilley of 71 High Park Road, Ryde, PO33 1BX.