Age uk staff with Dignity packs

Essential hygiene support reaches older Isle of Wight residents, thanks to Age UK

Age UK Isle of Wight is pleased to announce the successful distribution of 1000 hygiene packs as part of the ‘Dignity in Every Pack’ initiative.

With a total worth of £45,000 in tangible items, this initiative has made a significant impact on the accessibility of these products for older residents on the Isle of Wight.

Working tirelessly to distribute packs
These hygiene packs, carefully curated to cater to the specific needs of individuals facing incontinence, have reached 805 households with residents over the age of 50. Age UK Isle of Wight worked tirelessly to distribute these from their offices, as well as providing supplies to 37 healthcare, social care and charity organisations to ensure the distribution of these essential packs.

With thanks to funds provided by The Department for Work and Pension and Connect4Communities these packs were free to access to those over the age of 50 on the Isle of Wight.

IW Partners
Partnerships with healthcare organisations, including significant contributions to St Mary’s Hospital, through Age UK Isle of Wight’s Hospital Care Navigators, where they have been provided to patients at the time of discharge. Supplies have also gone to Mountbatten Hospice’s Community Carers, which have enabled the initiative to extend its support to those being delivered palliative care at home.

The collaboration with these organisations and many more have been instrumental in reaching a wider audience and providing assistance to individuals and caregivers alike.

Bunce: Reduced stigma surrounding incontinence
Maria Bunce, Chief Operations Officer at Age UK Isle of Wight, said,

“We are delighted to have successfully distributed all 1,000 packs, making these products more accessible to older residents in our community.

“The ‘Dignity in Every Pack’ initiative has not only reduced stigma surrounding incontinence but also promoted dignity and well-being among those we were able to support.”

Find out more
Whilst this does mean that Age UK Isle of Wight have no more ‘Dignity Packs’ left for collection, their support does not stop here. The charity continues to offer guidance. To reach out to Age UK Isle of Wight’s Information and Advice service call (01983) 525282 or email [email protected].

To keep up with the latest projects and to learn about the services Age UK Isle of Wight offers, please visit their website at or follow their social media accounts. Age UK Isle of Wight can be found on Facebook (@AgeUKIW), Twitter (@AgeUKIW) and Instagram (@ageukisleofwight).

News shared by Cally on behalf of Age UK Isle of Wight. Ed