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First aid sessions for young offenders help change attitudes

The council shares this latest news. Ed

A team of medical professionals from the charity StreetDoctors visited the Isle of Wight on Wednesday 5 October to provide the first of two first aid training sessions to a group of young people who are being supported by the Island’s Youth Offending Team.

StreetDoctors is an award winning charity which was started by medical students in Liverpool in 2008. It works with children and young people to teach them how to call 999 and deliver emergency first aid.

Practical skills
In the first session, the young people learnt what to do if someone is bleeding – as simple first aid administered quickly can save lives. The next session will focus on what to do if someone is unconscious.

As well as receiving practical training, the young people are also discussing the consequences of violent injuries – such as colostomy bags or paralysis.

Changing attitudes
StreetDoctors aims to change attitudes among young people at risk of offending by increasing confidence and aspirations to reduce the likelihood of violence.

During the training session, young people were encouraged to think of themselves as responsible individuals who can make a positive difference in their community.

A great initiative
Councillor Jonathan Bacon, leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said:

“This is a great initiative to engage young people in positive activities and raise aspirations.

“The Youth Offending Team is a multi-agency service and is a great example of successful partnership working which has a positive impact on our local community.”