Red sky with lots of clouds

First ever international Cloud Appreciation Day: Share your photos for the Memory Cloud Atlas

This Friday sees the first-ever Cloud Appreciation Day and people around the world are being invited to get involved in a new project to mark the day.

This international online event is being organised by the Cloud Appreciation Society, which has over 59,000 members in 120 countries.

The idea is that during Cloud Appreciation Day (16th September), people will be invited to upload a photo of the sky above them and add it to the brand new Memory Cloud Atlas.

Blue sky, white clouds with a field of sunflowers in the foreground

See photos from around the world, all taken on the same day
Along with your photo add some text or an audio recording of how the sky makes you feel.

The project, which is free to take part in, will build up photos from around the world on the Memory Cloud Atlas for others to explore.

Pretor-Pinney: The most dynamic, evocative and accessible part of nature
Cloud Appreciation Society founder and Member 001, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, said,

“The Memory Cloud Atlas will serve as a worldwide snapshot of our views of the sky on Cloud Appreciation Day.

“It will help to remind people that clouds are the most dynamic, evocative and accessible part of nature.”

He added,

“Members of the Cloud Appreciation Society love looking for interesting and unusual cloud formations on any day of the year.

“The Memory Cloud Atlas is an opportunity for everyone, whatever their age, to join us in looking up and spending a few moments with their head in the clouds on Cloud Appreciation Day.”

Moody grey clouds with sunlight breaking through

Find out more
Visit the Memory Cloud Website for further details and to register to be reminded when the site goes live.

Our thanks to News OnTheWight reader, Rosemary Stewart, who was an early member of the Cloud Appreciation Society, for letting us know about this great photographic opportunity.