5 Films About Artists: Jenny Clayden

Five Short Films about Artists: Jenny ClaydenThe next in our series of profiles on the five artists featured in the forthcoming screening of Five Short Films about Artists at Quay Arts this Thursday is Jenny Clayden.

We’ve admired Jenny’s work around the Island over the years and love her humourous take on life.

Before launching her career in the art world, Jenny trained and worked as a theatre designer. She worked for various fringe companies including the Young Vic in London.

Five Short Films about Artists: Jenny Clayden

It was there that her love for papier-mache blossomed, whilst making props such as puppets, masks, and a pantomime horse, often in papier-mache.

Five Short Films about Artists: Jenny ClaydenAfter moving to the Island in the late 1980s Jenny started experimenting with papier-mache and found it so expressive she says it has now become her main creative interest.

Her figures are created in all sizes, from thumb size to life size and she says that her ideas come mainly from seeing the funny side of things.

For instance, in 2001 she had an exhibition titled “Wedding Party” at The Old Bakery near Chichester. Both mothers-in-law were wearing identical hats and the bridesmaids were tipsy. We didn’t see this work but can picture it now!

Jenny will be around at the screening on Thursday and there’ll be a chance to ask questions if the desire takes you.

Check out more of Jenny’s work on her Web site.

The five short films will be showing on Thursday from 7.30 at Quay Arts.

Tell your friends – should be a good night – free entrance too!

Still to come in our series of artist profiles are Colin Riches and Eric Geddes.