
Flickr Group Picture of the Week

It’s that time of the week to delve into the masses of glorious shots added by Islanders to the Flickr Group Pool.

We’ve been wowed by abundance of Bluebells in our own garden so were attracted to this wonderfully colourful shot Rusty Marvin.

Rusty captured it at Great Combley Woods. He said,

Well they are there on mass, carpets of them in every open space, little loners and small clumps English and Spanish on different sides of the path, plus some hybrids. The log and the fern looked nice.

We agree!

Join the Flickr Pool
Be sure to check out Rusty’s other photos as well as the rest of the Flickr Group Pool.

To join the group, simply sign up for an account on Flickr, go to our Group Pool and ask to join.

Image: © Rusty Marvin

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