storm eleanor - Jamie Russell 640

Flood alert for the Isle of Wight coast

The Environment Agency have issued another flood alert for the Isle of Wight coast.

They warn residents to be prepared and say:

Water levels will be marginally higher than on a more typical high spring tide.

Strong winds and fairly large waves will cause spray overtopping of sea defences in more exposed locations which will affect low lying coastal roads and sea front car parks across the Island.

Water levels will be high up slipways in Cowes and around Medina Road at the floating bridge.

Property flooding is not expected. Tide levels remain high over the next 24 hours.

Time and date of high water 11:31 on 03/01/2018
Predicted astronomical tide level2.07 mAOD
Forecast surge height 0.3 m
Forecast high water level at Cowes 2.37 mAOD or 4.96 mCD
Forecast wind directionWesterly
Forecast wind strengthForce 8

Image: © Jamie Russell Island Visions