Cllr Vaness Churchman and Tanja Rebel

Frank James Open Day a success

Many thanks to Tanja Rebel for this report and Josh Aitken for photos from yesterday’s Open Day at the former former Frank James Hospital. In her own words. Ed

The Friends of Frank James would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all who came to our Frank James Open Day this Sunday and made the event so successful!

Lots of activities
FatSamba came at around noon and drummed us all together, Louise Aitkin had made a beautiful Friends of Frank James Birthday Cake, Vidya Wolton organised an Eco-Art workshop, Josh Aitkin had made a wonderful Frank James Picture Display and had brought a Pear Tree which was planted on the grounds and Daniel Roberts brought his home built cart, a pole lathe and even a wood stove to heat us up in the cold!

MP and Independent councillor popped in
It is estimated that around sixty people in total visited the grounds, among others Andrew Turner, Carole Dennett and Independent Councillor Vanessa Churchman.

There was also a Bug Hunt for the children organised by Ian Boyd from Natural Enterprise. This proved very popular!

Variety of visitors
Many of the people who came hadn’t been to the grounds before or they hadn’t been there since the Hospital had closed. The people who had stayed in the Hospital had lovely stories to tell about its nice atmosphere and friendly staff.

They all lamented the loss of this lovely Cottage Hospital and expressed hopes of it soon coming to good use again.

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Images: © Josh Aitkin

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