Full Council Meeting Adjourned While Member of Public Ejected

For the first time in our history of covering full council meetings, the council meeting was called to a halt tonight just 30 minutes in.

Stop signChairman Cllr David Williams called the adjournment after a member of the public objected to not being able to ask a supplementary question.

Steve Goodman had asked why he hadn’t received figures on the council’s spending on roads as promised by Cllr Giles at the previous meeting.

Not allowed supplementary question
Frustrated at not being allowed a supplementary question, he started shouting out his questions.

The chair asked him to “go away”. When Mr Goodman carried on, the chair said, “Sit down, I am chairman – I will call the police and have you removed.”

When Mr Goodman continued calling out, the meeting was adjourned for about ten minutes whilst he was removed from the public gallery.

When the meeting re-started the Chair gave extra time for other public questions.

Image: MSVG under CC BY 2.0