Garden Grabbing Rules Impact Island Development

Pre-empting the Planning Committee meeting later today (4pm), where we understand officer’s recommendations on two planning applications have changed from approval to refusal, the Isle of Wight council (IWC) have today, sent out a statement regarding ‘garden grabbing’.

Garden Grabbing Rules Impact Island DevelopmentAs many of you may already be aware, earlier in the month the new Government announced tighter planning restrictions on using residential gardens for housing developments.

As the IWC planning authority are required to follow national planning policies when making their decisions, the new regulations will have an impact on property development on the Island.

We’re told that some 25 planning applications currently in the system will be subject to the new rules.

“Now excludes gardens of properties”
Bill Murphy, head of IW Council planning services, said: “As a result of the changes to planning regulations to address the issue of garden grabbing, the definition of brownfield land now excludes gardens of properties.

“In simple terms this means that, in line with national policy, if an application were to be submitted which effectively sub-divided a garden to create a separate plot there would be an ‘in principle’ policy objection to the application and the local planning authority would refuse it unless the developer could provide evidence that material considerations outweighed the policy objection.”

A national issue
Cllr George Brown, IW Council cabinet member responsible for planning, said: “Garden grabbing has been highlighted as a national issue and the Government has decided to act quickly to prevent what has been seen as development that can rob local communities of their character. I welcome the Government’s stance and clarification of an issue that has been a concern to Island residents.

“While the new regulations have not been drafted by the IW Council, it is nevertheless the responsibility of the council as local planning authority to uphold this new regulation with immediate effect.

“Our planning department will be happy to discuss the implications of this with developers and agents.”