Debbie Andre

GCSE Results: Students praised and commended for hard work during disruptive period of learning

As the collective class of 2022 gets set to receive the results of their GCSEs and other level 2 qualifications, Cllr Debbie Andre, Cabinet member for education, is sending all students her congratulations in anticipation of their achievements.

Cllr Andre said,

“While this year has seen a return to classroom based, face-to-face learning, I’m acutely aware that Island pupils have had to cope with learning in challenging circumstances due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“However, a return to sitting formal GCSE exams is an important milestone for education in the pandemic recovery.

“Whatever their results, I wish to congratulate our Year 11 and post-16 students and commend them for working so hard ahead of sitting these exams, after what has undoubtedly been a disruptive period in their learning.”

Full picture in October
The Isle of Wight Council expects to have the full picture of GCSE and other level 2 qualification outcomes in October, when the data is first released by the Department for Education.

For the past two years, public examinations were cancelled due to the pandemic and pupils were therefore awarded results based on teacher assessments.

Andre: Wrong to make comparisons with previous years
Cllr Andre added,

“It is important to understand that it is not possible, and would be wrong therefore, to make any direct comparisons with the results in previous years, in particular the last two years, as these have been based on an entirely different style of assessment.

“Our headteachers, class teachers and school support staff are to be praised for working so tirelessly to ensure our children and young people continue to benefit from a high-quality education under these challenging circumstances.

“Our thanks must also go to the school governors and parents for all they do to support our young people and help them to achieve.”

Next options
Any young person who needs help or advice about their next options, having received their results, can speak to their school’s careers advisor or contact Island Futures, the council’s career service.

All contact details for Island Futures can be accessed through the Island Futures Website, and this also contains a wealth of information and links to websites such as Flying Starts, which is an additional resource to support young people across the Isle of Wight transitioning from Year 11 to the next stage of their adventure.

There is also an extensive range of careers information available online via the council’s Youth Tube site. Information on apprenticeships available in each area can be found on the council’s site or at via the Apprenticeships Website.   

Uncertain, anxious or stressed?
Students who may be feeling uncertain, anxious or stressed about the future as they move on to college, employment or training can seek support from Young Minds, who will help to encourage them to look after their mental health and identify when to ask for help.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed