
Good rating for Isle of Wight pre-school and out of school clubs

Congratulations are in order for all at the Bright Sparks Preschool and Out of School Clubs.

Ofsted have released their latest inspection report and the Preschool has been rated as ‘Good’, and ‘Outstanding’ for personal development, behaviour and welfare.

The pre-school is attached to Summerfields Primary School in Newport and this was the first inspection since 2015.

Why the preschool is Good
Highlights from the report include:

  • Leaders are passionate about improving outcomes for children. They make effective use of self-evaluation to reflect on and make enhancements to their service. For example, staff access regular training to improve their knowledge and skills.
  • Children develop their physical skills and learn how to move in interesting and different ways. They demonstrate confidence in trying new things, for example by participating in outdoor yoga sessions.
  • Staff develop good relationships with parents and other services. Parents speak very highly of the care and support that the staff offer them and their children. They are kept well informed of their children’s progress and how they can help them to continue their learning at home.
  • Children participate in activities that require excellent levels of responsibility. For example, they are fascinated in pond-dipping experiences and know how to keep themselves safe near the water.
  • Leaders and staff complete regular and accurate assessments of what children can do and need to learn next. They swiftly put in place detailed plans to support children who need additional help in their care and learning. This means that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are making good progress in their learning.
  • At times, staff do not make the most of learning opportunities that arise to encourage children explore and test their ideas.

The Report
Read the full detail in the report, embedded below for your convenience. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: laffy4k under CC BY 2.0