All hands to the deck at Steephill Cove

Readers may remember seeing photos of how the Valentine’s Day storm affected the beautiful Steephill Cove.

The horrendous storm battered the idyllic cove, but luckily no properties suffered any heavy damage. The beach front and cove areas were a different matter though. The pathways were deep with rubbish washed up from the sea, lots of plastic, ropes, driftwood and the like.

Undeterred by the mammoth task, the clear-up operation by residents of the cove is now underway.

‘Post Storm Clean Up’ Facebook Page
A Facebook Page has been set up with photos and regular updates being posted by Vanessa Wheeler, who runs the Boat House restaurant and holiday lets in the Cove.

She says, “a lot of rebuilding and mending shall be needed when the weather becomes dryer (if that ever happens).”

As you can see from the photos although there is still much to do, the walkway has now been cleared making is easier for residents and visitors to move around the cove.

Steephill Cove after the clear up:

Vanessa says,

“We would like to thank everyone that has offered to help it means a lot to us that The Cove holds such a special place on your hearts that you are there in times of trouble.”