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Have your say in Ryde’s future with £20 million Levelling Up Fund investment

Your opportunity to have your say in the way £20 million is invested in Ryde is here!

Community Engagement is right at the heart of the current Levelling Up funding for Ryde and the Town Board want to hear your views.

Town Board Chair, Steven Holbrook, says,

“We know how often everyone gets asked for their opinions and we know how easy it is to become ‘engagement-fatigued’, especially if there is no tangible evidence that those opinions have been listened to or put into action.

“However with £20 million to be spent over the next ten years this is your chance to have your say in shaping the future of your town on a scale we’ve never seen before.”

A comprehensive schedule of engagement
The Town Board are carrying out a comprehensive schedule of engagement over the next few weeks and want to hear the views of as many stakeholders in Ryde as possible.

Residents from across the community, as well as visitors and businesses are being asked to complete a questionnaire to help shape and prioritise projects to improve the town.

In order to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be heard the Town Board have partnered with a number of key organisations who work within Ryde.

Collaborating with partners
Aspire, New Carnival Company, John’s Club and Network Ryde are helping to get the message as far and wide as possible within the communities they serve and we will be at a number of events in Ryde over the next few weeks.

Come and see us at the old Natwest building which has been rented for the duration of the engagement period where we will answer as many questions as possible.

Or you could drop into Aspire, Ryde Library, Ryde Marina or Ryde Town Council Offices to complete a questionnaire.

Complete it online
Perhaps you’d rather complete the online survey by clicking on the QR code on one of our posters or banners? You also have the option of visiting the website.

The community engagement is due to finish on Sunday 7th July and the results will form a key element of the 3 year and 10 year plans which have to be submitted to Government by Thursday 1st August.

More information about the Ryde Town Board, its members and the progress that is being made can be found across our social media channels. An accompanying website will be launched soon.

News shared by Allan, Business Development Manager and Deputy Clerk at Ryde Town Council. Ed