Help Reg take part in Clipper Round the World Race: Your vote counts

Here’s our latest call for Islanders to rally round and help out a fellow resident who needs our votes.

reg-white-clipper-raceIslander Reg White moved back to the Isle of Wight a few years ago and says that although he regularly came back, “the one thing that I couldn’t find time for and really missed was sailing.”

Now back settled back on the Island, he’s re-joined the Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club, got involved in local club racing and set up a Website to get more people out sailing in Cowes.

Reg says he’s “always looking for a challenge and something that is a step out of the ordinary.”

Clipper Round the World Race
So when he saw an advert appealing for applicants to win a place on Leg three or Leg Five of the Clipper Round the World Race, he jumped at the chance.

The event is sponsored by GORE-TEX® and there are two places available. Leg Three takes place in October-November 2013 and Reg tells us, is described as the ‘Southern Ocean sleigh ride’ from Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, through the Roaring Forties and onto Western Australia.

Reg needs your votes
Reg would love to take part in Leg Three and currently has 778 votes, putting him in 6th place out of 148 applicants – however the highest votes so far over 2,000.

Please take a moment to vote for Reg and help him get through to the next round and share this article with your friends and family.


Updates from Reg
Reg will keep in touch and let us know how things are shaping up.

In the meantime if you want to keep an eye on the voting, and see the big picture check the Website and look out for ‘REG WHITE’.

Find out more about Reg through his Clipper profile on the Crew In Cowes Website.

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