remembrance crosses and poppies

Here’s how Isle of Wight Scouts can support the Royal British Legion on Remembrance Sunday

Gary Meek, County Deputy Commissioner (Support) shares this latest news from Isle of Wight Scouts. Ed

In 2020 The Royal British Legion are asking people to pay tribute to the men and women of the Second World War generation, and to those of today’s, who have served and sacrificed to defend our nation.

We remember the collaboration of the Commonwealth and Allied nations who stood shoulder to shoulder then to secure our freedom and the communities coming together today to protect us all.

Stand at your front door in uniform
This year everything is different and there will be no Remembrance processions or services, due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

However, we’d like you all to join us on Sunday November 8th by wearing your uniform and standing at your front door for the national two minutes of silence at 11am. Turn your radio or TV on and listen for the timing, it couldn’t be easier!

Scouts paying tribute on Remembrance Day 2015

However, you know we can’t let it go at asking you to just hold two minutes silence. We’ve got a couple of projects we’d like you to get involved in.

Make a poppy
First of all we’d like you to show that you are part of Remembrance by making and displaying a Poppy. A BIG Poppy! Out of anything – Cake, Toilet roll, LEGO®, wood, cloth…. whatever you want to use!

Put in in a window or somewhere where it can be seen from outside and take a photo of it and you in your uniform.

Share your photos
Post it on our County Facebook page or mail it to [email protected] If you have your own social media accounts then post and tag us in on Facebook using @isleofwightscouts @officialpoppylegion and on Twitter @iwscouts @PoppyLegion.

We’d really like to see your photos.

Judged by RBL
We’re supporting the Royal British Legion in Remembrance, but the Royal British Legion will also be helping us judge your poppy making skills and we’ll be offering prizes for the best poppies. Judging will take place on Wednesday 11th November, Armistice Day.

Please make sure that everyone featured in your photos is happy with us using those photos for Isle of Wight Scouts and Royal British Legion PR. We’ll put some of the photos on our County Website and on our Facebook page at @isleofwightscouts or we may use some photos in a Press Release to news media.

Make a LEGO poppy
Incidentally, if you fancy the idea of making a LEGO® Poppy, search the internet for ‘LEGO Poppy Image’ and you’ll find a couple of ideas. Make sure that you send a good photo of your model and we’ll upload it as part of a Sid The Scout story.

If you want to colour a Poppy search the Internet for “Poppy outline for colouring” and pick the one you like.

If you want to make a Poppy using Playdoh, look on the Website

Research Remembrance
The second part of our project is for you to find out what Remembrance is all about. You could try asking any ex-service personnel you know, you could try books or the Internet, or you could use it as an excuse to watch a couple of war movies.

Jack Cornwell c.1915

Did you know that several ex-Scouts were awarded the Highest Award for bravery, the Victoria Cross? Find out more about Jack Cornwell (pictured below) on the Website and other Scouts and Islanders who have received this award on the Website.

You can also find out more about Remembrance on the British Legion Website. If you’d like to take it a step further and raise some money for the Royal British Legion you can request a free fundraising pack from the Website. You can also find out more about Scouting in the First World War on the Website.

Be a reporter
And finally we’d like you to send us a report or story about what Armistice Day means to you and your family. If you’re not sure how to go about writing a report you can get some hints from the BBC Young Reporter site BBC Young Reporter Website. Email your story to [email protected]

Whatever you do for Remembrance, we and the Royal British Legion thank you for your support.

Image: catsanchez under CC BY 2.0