Graham Biss with members of the Brading Youth Group
Graham Biss with members of the Brading Youth Group

High Sheriff Graham Biss celebrates Summer Solstice with Brading Youth Club

The Isle of Wight High Sheriff, Graham Biss, paid a visit to Brading Youth Club for their Summer Solstice evening on Thursday 20th June.

Held during the Junior Youth Club session, everyone had a great time over at their Meadow, which is leased from St Mary’s Church in Brading. The children learned about the sun, what it means to everyone in many different ways and how important it is to us all.

Scavenger Hunt and Hot Dogs for all
Graham gave a short talk about the role of High Sheriff and afterwards there was a lively Scavenger Hunt and Hot Dogs for all.

42 young people attended, aged 8-12, who are the members of Brading Junior Youth Club, and the event was organised by the Lead Youth Worker.

Brading Community Partnership
As a local charity, the Brading Community Partnership looks to engage with the community through their community cafe activities and varied youth provisions.

They recruit volunteers of all ages, who are checked and trained for their chosen roles. There was a lot of enthusiastic volunteer support on Thursday evening and great back-up help from the charity’s ever-growing group of teenage volunteers.

Running for seven years
Brading Community Partnership was established seven years ago to run the youth club and they now have an incredible 166 young people registered with activities on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. They also run special events throughout the year and endeavour to stay open during the school holidays to support local families.

The Partnership relies entirely on donations, grants and funding raising activities to fund their activities.

News shared by Graham, in his own words. Ed