HMS Queen Elizabeth arriving in Portsmouth

HMS Queen Elizabeth returns to Portsmouth Harbour (photos)

Royal Navy flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth has returned to Portsmouth Harbour following her seven month show-of-force voyage.

Her arrival was due to take place today, Friday, but the forecast of heavy winds brought the return forward by 24 hours.

Welcome home
As well as locals lining the shore at Portsmouth on Thursday, passengers on board Wightlink’s ferries had the treat of seeing HMS QE’s passage into the Harbour.

Our thanks to News OnTheWight reader, Neal Staley, who shared these photos, taken from the Wightlink ferry.

Click on images to see larger versions

HMS Queen Elizabeth arriving in Portsmouth
HMS Queen Elizabeth arriving in Portsmouth

Ongoing investigation
There is an ongoing investigation into crash of the £100m F-35B fighter that took place just after it took off from the Queen Elizabeth in the Mediterranean Sea.

A member of the crew was arrested for leaking a video of the crash they’d filmed.

Image: © Neal Staley