Homegrown Exhibition

Regular readers might remember a call for Island artists we put out a few months ago on behalf of local artist, Lauren Fry.

Homegrown ExhibitionLauren had great ambitions to create a contemporary exhibition as part of the Ryde Arts Festival which starts at the weekend.

Not surprisingly, given the large number artists who read VB, Lauren had a brilliant response to her appeal and the results will be on show from this Saturday afternoon.

Taking part in the exhibition are Carole Gledhill, Lisa Traxler, Chris Jones (more to come on VB about Chris’ work tomorrow), Jo Hummel Newell, Adrienne Wroath, Chris Ballingal and Birgitte Haar Lund.

Lauren has been working her little socks off to pull the exhibition together and this Saturday afternoon (3pm) sees the launch party which features Furesssh DJs and cupcakes from Mimi’s Cupcakery.

Opening Times
12th-18th July
11am – 2pm and 4pm-7pm

You can find the exhibition in the basement of

The Depozitry
Nelson Street

As always, please don’t forget to say where you heard about it.

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