east cowes plans

Inquiry date set for Red Funnel planning appeal

A date for the Inquiry into the planning appeal lodged by Red Funnel (Southampton IoW South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.) for the redevelopment and expansions of the East Cowes ferry terminal has been announced.

The Inquiry takes place at County Hall, Newport on Tuesday 18th July 2017 from 10am prompt. It will be open to the public and is scheduled to take up to four days.

Residents who wish to speak at the Inquiry (at the Inspector’s discretion) will need to be at the Inquiry when it is opened by the Inspector.

The Inspector will not announce her decision at the end of the Inquiry, but will issue a decision letter within ten weeks of the close of the Inquiry.

If you wish to receive a copy of the decision letter you must write to the Planning Inspectorate and ask to be notified.

The address to write to is The Planning Inspectorate, 3/I, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. Please ensure you quote their reference number APP/P2114/W/16/3157690.