School crossing sign

Insight into school place planning and its impact on children’s education

A presentation on how school place planning is undertaken will take place on 11 July at Medina Theatre, Newport.

The 90-minute session, starting at 6.30pm, will look at the high numbers of surplus places that currently existacross the primary sector and the further increase that is forecast for future years.

Council officers will discuss the significant impacts that not managing the surplus has on the schools themselves and children’s education.

The event is open to anyone wishing to gain a greater knowledge on the topic.

You’ll hear about how data is collected and used to forecast pupil places, and also about how the shortfall in pupil places in schools affects school budgets and recruitment.

Information session only
The session is not a consultation as there are no proposals upon which to consult.

The event is an information session to provide context around the issues being faced locally.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

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