If you've admired Rachel's work on TV you'll have a chance to meet her at the Garlic Festival in August. As well as performing live, she'll be signing books on the Sunday.
As recently reported by OnTheWight, UK Oil and Gas confirm they've given up the licence for oil exploration off the coast of Compton but say their sights are now set on drilling in Arreton from 2019.
At the Surrey County Council planning meeting today (Monday), the application was rejected six votes to five and UKOG's share price dived within minutes.
With over 1,000 letters of objection and many citing harmful impact on the Isle of Wight's UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status, the applicant has rebuffed the claims
The Planning Committee rejected the application for oil exploration wells in October 2021. Today's announcement means Isle of Wight campaigners can breath a sigh of relief
A supporter of the application said, "The new location will put Goddards on the tourist map and will become a place for Island residents to visit". Read what's planned for the new site
Amongst the funny stories from Bestival - such as one man paying £60 for three indigestion pills - there's a serious message in Michael Segalov's Vice article.
They'll be finding out whether the Bestival team have succeeded in busting the Guinness World Record for creating the largest disco ball in existence. You can be there too to see it happen (tickets still available).
Here's one for the foodies amongst you - the wet and cold weather has delayed the start of the Asparagus season, crop yield is only 5% of the same the last year for Ben Brown of Farmer Jack's.