Newport is the capital of the Isle of Wight. It’s the town with the most nation-wide chains of shops as well as being the centre for business. The County council are head-quartered there.
The CEO of Mountbatten says loneliness and isolation are increasing issues in our communities, made worse by the ongoing pandemic, so this offer for people to come together whilst keeping safe will be welcomed by many
Leader of the Isle of Wight Conservative councillors is calling on the Alliance Group to reconsider putting Camp Hill back on the agenda for much-needed housing
The library in Newport is currently open six days a week, but the Isle of Wight council are looking at closing it two days a week to save £25,000 per annum
Have your say on the draft guide for the design of shopfronts, sign colours, the use of hanging signs, sensitive conversion of shops to residential units, shopfront lighting, and the use of awnings and canopies for Ryde and Newport
As the Samaritans and Suicide Prevention Isle of Wight have done so much for so many people through Covid, the Christmas display is aiming to raise funds for them both