pre-school - child with crayons drawing

Plans for new pre-school in Newport under consideration

Cabinet members are being asked to consider plans for a new pre-school at Hunnyhill Primary School, Newport.

The school has applied to lower their age range from four years old to three years old in order to continue the offer of preschool provision on the school site.

The plans, if approved next week (16th November), could see up to 32 children aged 3-4 enroll on the site.

An existing private pre-school on the site, Jigsaw Preschool, is closing and the proposal is for those staff to move across to the main school.

Andre: This will be really good news for the school
Cabinet lead for Children’s Services, Education and Lifelong Skills, Cllr Debbie Andre, said,

“If agreed by Cabinet this will be really good news for the school. The existing staff would transfer over and would provide continuity of care for the pre-schoolers already attending and keep the pre-school provision for the community.

“This is part of our key aim to work with local communities and make sure they have good or outstanding local school provision and ensure schools have a sustainable future to build on.”

Consultation taken place
The move follows consultation with parents/carers, and all school and pre-school staff.

The current capacity of Hunnyhill Primary School is 420, with 381 children currently registered and will be unaffected by this proposal as the pre-school capacity of 32 will be separate from this.

An Ofsted inspection of the primary school carried out in 2013 judged the school as good, followed by an inspection finding the same in 2017.

The Cabinet papers for this proposal can be viewed on the council Website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: aaron burden under CC BY 2.0