Grab yourself a cup of tea or a sandwich and watch this five minute video of the train running from Ventnor West, via Newport to Freshwater - Then dream of what it would be like if it actually existed.
The recent bookfair at Bembridge Library was very successful in raising monies for the community library. Don't miss the Easter Coffee Morning next month.
Pop along to the Bembridge workshop this half term (and other dates in February) to meet those behind this fantastic Isle of Wight brand and grab yourself a luscious new bag (or two).
Bembridge Parish Council, through the Green Towns Steering Group, planted a small remembrance orchard at Lane End Cemetery to commemorate the centenary of the First World War.
The threats to remove Nicholas Finney as the chair of the Bembridge branch of the IWCA were fulfilled. There was a sting in the tail for Andrew Turner too.