This poor badger was out and about much earlier than normal, leading to a collision with rush hour traffic. It seem their Setts have been getting flooded.
Island Roads to carry out work they're contracted to do newsflash! Three busy stretches of road in the East Wight are shortly to be upgraded say Island Roads.
Isle of Wight artist, Howard Hardiman says his latest exhibition questions how "mythological archetypes continue to resonate with us in an age saturated by the immaterial". Runs from 1st October until the end of the year.
Don't miss this unique occasion on Tuesday afternoon when a formation of eight spitfires will fly past the Isle of Wight as part of the Battle of Britain celebrations.
Councillors from Shanklin to Ryde have been asked to support the Keep Island Line Franchise Campaign. Residents are reminded of the public meeting being held from 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th August at Shanklin Theatre.