Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
11, January 2012·1 min readRoger Whitby-Smith: Talk On The Royal George This WeekendTalk by Roger Whitby-Smith this weekend at Brading Roman Villa, "That Sinking Feeling - the loss of the Royal George in 1782"
9, December 2011·1 min readVB Facebookers Reunite Long Lost Friends: From Australia To SandownWe love the fact that our VB Facebookers were able to reunite long lost friends from Australia to Sandown. Well done guys!
6, December 2011·1 min readAppeal After Burglaries In BradingPolice appeal for information after burglaries in Brading
15, November 2011·1 min readPLUTO Lecture This WeekendInteresting lecture this Saturday organised by Friends of Brading Roman Villa on the Pipeline Under the Ocean
20, October 2011·1 min readBrading High Street Closure Next WeekBrading High Street will be closed again next week for two or possibly thee days. Diversions in place for traffic and buses.
28, September 2011·1 min readAssault Over Bus Seat: Police Appeal For WitnessesPolice appeal for anyone who witnessed an assault that took place on No.3 bus last Tuesday after a disagreement over a seat near the front of the bus!
27, July 2011·1 min readBrading Roman Villa Events This WeekendFree Sitar concert at Barding Roman Villa on Saturday afternoon, plus Finds Identification event on Sunday
8, July 2011·1 min readTwelfth Night At Brading Roman VillaA great night out on Sunday at the Brading Roman Villa, take a picnic and enjoy outdoor theatre with Illyria's production of Twelfth Night
1, July 2011·1 min readTwelfth Night At Brading Roman VillaOpen-air theatre company Illyria return to Brading Roman Villa on 10th July to perform William Shakespeare's comic masterpiece Twelfth Night. Get your tickets now!
14, June 2011·1 min readJust Jazz At The Brading Roman Villa This FridayUnity Stompers will be providing the music at Friday's charity Just Jazz event at the Brading Roman Villa. Tickets available in advance.
13, June 2011·1 min readResidents Advised of Forthcoming Brading Drainage WorksBrading High Street will be closed from 0900 on Monday 20 June until around 1400 on Tuesday 21 June to repair a drain at risk of collapsing
27, May 2011·1 min readGo Wild on the DownsGreat day out for the family during half term on Brading Downs.