Following OnTheWight'sreport last week on the two year anniversary of the Undercliff Drive landslide, Island Roads set out their plans for reinstating the access road for the landlocked residents.
Can you imagine what it would be like to have to leave your home one night, then not be able to live in it for two years? This is the fate for the forgotten families - victims of the Undercliff Landslide.
Having already pioneered the NitWhit community bus, Niton and Whitwell parish council join others in helping to fund the return of the route 6 bus on Sundays.
The Niton and Whitwell Parish Council has stepped in to organise a minibus service following Isle of Wight Council cuts to community bus services. The new service launches next week.
Yesterday the council advised the owners of landlocked properties on Undercliff Drive that the promised access road to their homes would not be built for at least another year. Today the leader of the council says the delay is unacceptable. Confused? Imagine how the residents feel.
As if the landlocked residents of Undercliff Drive who have been in a "living hell" for the last 18 months hadn't been through enough, the possible discovery of rare bats brings further delays.