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Ofsted say children at the Island Day Nursery at Weston Academy are secure and safe in the nursery and feel a sense of belonging, fostered by consistent care from staff and excellent resources.
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This unique footage, from a remote-control copter, lets us all see the true extent of the landslip at Headon Warren.
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Photos show significant further movement and show, in the word of the photographer, "the entire area has dropped away from the ridge above".
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Some major land movements exposed in the photos and National Trust tell OnTheWight of footpath diversions under discussion.
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Volunteers are needed to help clean-up the beach in Totland. The weather forecast for the day is great, so why not head down and help out?
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Petitioners will have five minutes to make their case and a further 18 minutes of discussion and debate by councillors will take place to consider the Totland landslide.
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Those with a strong local knowledge say it has the potential to be the largest amount of land to be lost.
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Around 300 people attended the Isle of Wight Council’s Totland landslide information event on Wednesday 5 February.
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The recommended solution by consultants to address the issue may cost the council in the region of £1.5-2m.
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Video footage on YouTube will take you on a trip down memory lane, back 20 years to the devastating Blackgang landslide.
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Petition calls for funds to be made available to reinstate the sea wall revetment between Totland and Colwell Bays, by whatever means possible.