Isle of White Strikes Again (In Portsmouth)

Has the sub-editor on the Portsmouth News been at the festive sherry a day early?

Or perhaps, it’s gone in the same direction as Brighton’s regional daily, The Argus, with the subbing operation centralised some distance away to increase profits (in Southampton as reported by Hold The Front Page a couple of days ago).

We’re guessing it must be one of two, given that the Portsmouth News (just a few miles across the Solent) is today reporting that Whitelink have cancelled ferries to the Isle of White.

They even go as far as changing the text in the quote from the Wightlink rep, stating

A spokesman said: ‘Whitelink would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

We’re not immune to a few typos ourselves, but you’d think the six references to ‘Wightlink’ in the email alert about the cancellations would have been enough for the paper to get it right.

Isle of White Strikes Again (In Portsmouth)