rolled blankets

Isle of Wight council offer advice ahead of cold snap

With cold weather and wintry showers forecast this week, the Isle of Wight Council is encouraging people to take special care of themselves and their friends, family and neighbours so that communities can remain healthier and more independent through periods of cold weather.   

Taking extra care during cold weather is particularly important for people who are more vulnerable to suffering ill health due to the cold, such as babies and very young children (under five years), older people, pregnant women and people with pre-existing medical conditions.

Relevant Covid-19 restrictions also need to be taken into account.    

Look our for neighbours
Cllr Dave Stewart, leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said,

“There is a range of information and advice on the council and NHS Websites about staying warm and how to access help and support if required.

“Please do check in via telephone or at a safe social distance, with vulnerable friends and loved ones to ensure that they remain safe and well during this cold snap.”

As we are all spending more time at home, there are some simple ways to cope with the cold weather.

Keep warm

Keep well

  • Stay as active as you can.
  • Make sure you get your flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine if you are invited to have one.
  • Follow COVID-19 guidance.

Keep connected safely

  • Contact your GP, pharmacist, carer or key worker for advice.
  • Keep in touch with friends, family and your community.
  • Look out for others, particularly those who may be at risk of ill health from cold weather.

Further information

News shared by Isle of Wight council. Ed

Image: gpwarlow under CC BY 2.0