High Sheriff Graham Biss with deputy acting returning officer
High Sheriff Graham Biss with deputy acting returning officer

Isle of Wight council receives election writs, marking start of the general election process

The Island has officially received the ‘writs from the clerk to the crown’ for the general election.

This official part of the process for a general election was overseen by Graham Biss, High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight and returning officer for parliamentary elections, and Nolan Winter, deputy acting returning officer.

Issued by the Lord Chancellor
The writs are issued by the Lord Chancellor and commands that an election be held for members of Parliament for the  Isle of Wight East and Isle of Wight West constituencies.

Once Parliament is dissolved, writs are hand delivered by Royal Mail managers to every constituency in the UK. Receipt of the writs on the Island was taken today (Friday).

Return writs after election count
Once the count is complete following the general election on 4th July, to formalise the result, the returning officer must write the names of the winning candidates on the writs and return them to the clerk to the crown, who is based in the Houses of Parliament.

The day-to-day arrangements for the election on the Island are discharged by the acting returning officer and the elections team.

Find out more
For more information on how to register to vote, important dates and official notices, visit the council’s website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed