Isle of Wight Council Wins First Age Of Stupid Award

The Isle of Wight council planning committee got it in the neck from deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, today.

While presenting the inaugural “Age of Stupid” award, he said “The first Age of Stupid award goes to Bedford, which follows the Isle of Wight – even when there were people employed, they’d refused to have it.”

He continued, “Stupid planning committee in Bedford, stupid planning committee in the Isle of Wight – I hope they get upset about it. We have to counteract the NIMBYs who say they want change but not in their backyard.”

The people employed on the Island he referred to were clearly Vestas workers, many of them now out of a job.

Quite what headline grabbing remarks like this will do for the IW Council’s “Eco-Island'” is as yet unknown, but it can’t be good.
