After 37 years of daily looking after their brain-damaged son, recent forced cutbacks make Isle of Wight couple in their 70s feel they have no option but to give up caring for their son.
Cllr Dave Stewart is in no rush to pull back from labelling not cutting vital public services as 'socialist ideology'. We learn more from his recent letter too ...
After agreeing to take over the public toilets from IWC, the parish council is also doing a lot of maintenance work to them to bring them up to the standard they expect.
Cllr Julia Baker Smith says she is working with the volunteers running the night shelter and soup kitchen in order to find a suitable alternative solution for the night shelter.
The council leader says the decision "has been reached with much regret", but all schools have been informed of options on how they can retain school crossing patrols through their own in-house arrangements.
The increase to next year's council tax equates to an extra £1.01 per week for a band D property. Council tax contributes around 23 per cent of the council’s overall funding.
The Group leader of IW Conservative councillors last night blamed the council's 'socialist ideology' for not making a further £3.7m of cuts (to vital services). He said the approach just "won't cut it with the government".
The event sought to highlight the serious funding issues the Isle of Wight council is facing following yet more cuts in funding from the Government (£50m over last five years).
Follow OnTheWight's live coverage of the budget-setting meeting from inside the chamber at County Hall. Find out where the councillors will decide to make the £2.8m necessary cuts in order to agree a balanced budget.
A group of five councillors - independent of any political group - have submitted budget amendments that would actually see more cuts to services being made than those in charge are proposing, claims Cllr Bacon.