Man who drafted the 1964 Public Libraries Act states in a letter to The Times that the "Act does not contain any provision for reduction of the duties because of a need for 'cuts'"
There has been public outcry at the Cabinet decision to scrap the Local Area Coordination Scheme from next year - one Islander has started an appeal to crowdfund the money needed to keep the service going.
Parish councillor writes to Cabinet members stating that it would incredibly short-sighted to cut funding to this vital service, directly affecting the most vulnerable and isolated people on the Island.
The Isle of Wight Bus and Rail Users' Group say the proposed package of proposed cuts to services and concessions amounts to the most serious and possibly irreversible damage to public transport on the Island seen for decades.
Members of the Scrutiny Committee will hear arguments from three Isle of Wight councillors against the Executive's decision to makes changes to parking charges.